Medical Nutrition Therapy
We all have different ways of seeing things and leading our lives. Based on your personality, preferences and individual lifestyle, Rouba will design custom-made eating strategies. You will leave with a plan that works for you in every way. Rouba works with adults, children and families in all areas of nutrition and dietetics. A few examples are:
- General healthy eating for all stages of life
- Weight loss and management
- Pre-diabetes and insulin resistance
- Diabetes
- Heart health – cholesterol, blood pressure, heart disease
- Gastrointestinal – IBS, IBD, coeliac, diverticulitis, reflux
- Food allergies and intolerances
- Women’s health: PCOS, endometriosis, menopause
- Pregnancy – fertility, prenatal, antenatal, postnatal
- Nutrient deficiencies
- Sports nutrition
- Vegetarian and vegan eating
- Pediatric nutrition – fussy eating, allergies and intolerances, healthy growth and development